Saturday, September 14, 2019

TV Lawyer Completely Neglects Constitutional Principles, To No One's Surprise

America! Let's get down to business. This week in COM-1450, we were discussing the Civil War/Reconstruction historical framework around the U.S. Constitution. Within this discussion, I've got a note from you, Dean Smith, that will serve as the basis for today's commentary.


Image result for us constitution
In all it's glory, le constitution. (see link for source)
Well said, but apparently this was not entirely clear to Judge Jeanine Pirro, a former judge, prosecutor, and politician turned Fox News opinion host. Pirro went on C-SPAN this week to promote her new book, Liars, Leakers, and Liberals: The Case Against the Anti-Trump Conspiracy , and to interact with callers. If you couldn't already gather from Pirro's book title, she's only slightly aggressive in her vilification of liberals and anyone else opposing the sitting president. She inspired a lot of callers to ring her up to chat about their opposition to her rhetoric, as well as President Trump's and his administration's rhetoric. 
Judge Jeanine Pirro 2017.jpg
I dream of Jeanine! Or, I nightmare of Jeanine. (see link for source)
One particular caller, Kevin, raised concerns about Pirro's claim that Rep. Ilhan Omar of Michigan couldn't serve the Constitution because she chooses to wear a hijab, among other anti-Immigrant rhetoric she and her fellow opinion hosts on the network espouse and support. Here's Pirro's dodgy, and thoroughly foolish response: 

PIRRO: (laughs) "Well, first of all, the truth is that the venom that is coming from the left, I think it's clearer every day. When they try to shut down the people on the right from saying and exercising their First Amendment free speech, when they're taken off of Twitter, and Facebook, when the left demands that people lose their jobs and their shows. When the left like Debra Messing just last week said, 'I wanna out everyone who supports Donald Trump so they never work in this town again', When the left gets to the point where they wanna shut down free speech, they don't want us to speak at universities, they then don't want us to work, Bill Maher would rather have a recession so that Americans don't work. And then you've got this McCarthyism and this blacklisting coming from the left, you've gotta ask yourself, where is the venom coming from here? The First Amendment is a constitutional right. The United States has protected hate speech, in fact they've said, the Supreme Court has said specifically, it's not just speech everyone agrees with that's protected, it's hate speech as well.....Now if you want to talk about the fundamental freedoms, they're being limited by the left.."

Image result for smack my head
(see link for source)
Phew. That was a mess and a half for a lot of reasons that I will for time's sake not get into. However, what I will get into is Pirro's assertion that the "Left", which she is not defining as the legislators, but anyone who identifies as left leaning on the political spectrum, is VIOLATING members of her own political affiliation's right to free speech. For a lawyer, you don't know shit about the Constitution, Jeanine. 

As Dean Smith said, "only the government can violate your constitutional rights". Pirro is trying to victimize herself, and other loud voices in her party who have been criticized and targeted for hateful and bigoted use of language in different platforms. A lot of hard right conservatives have been removed on social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook, because their content violates the site's Terms of Service. These sites are not government entities, and are not like government, responsible for upholding your constitutional rights. These sites cannot violate anyone's right to free speech, because that's not the sites' responsibility. TV stations that choose, like Fox did, to suspend Pirro for comments she has made that were of hateful nature, are not violating anyone's right to freedom of speech. 

The sad part of this, is that often, her viewers, and any person that doesn't have a solid understanding of our Constitution wouldn't understand that what she is saying is outright bullshit. Because in theory your right to free speech is protected in this country, people believe it can be violated by anyone at any time, and they'll try and use this theory to defend their stupidity. No one on the left or the right can suppress free speech, or violate the constitution. The government is the sole body that can do this, and that is the way of it. Even if not for her hateful comments, perhaps Pirro should be dropped from Fox for having a piss poor understanding of the very legal framework that upholds our country. 

Image result for do better america
(see link for source)

(Drops mic)

Origin Intel For This Post, Because I'm Too Poor To Even Entertain The IDEA of Plagiarism:

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