Sunday, December 8, 2019

Eight Values of Free Expression

Image result for checks and balances free expression"
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Hello. It's more than about time for another (6 more) blog posts, isn't it? Well, let's get started. In class, we covered the Eight Values of Free Expression, a concept pretty self-explanatory with some elements we don't always think about. Check them out:

1. Marketplace of Ideas
2.Participation in Self-Government
3. Stable Change
4. Individual Self-Fulfillment
5. Check on Governmental Power
6. Promote Tolerance
7. Promote Innovation
8. Protect Dissent

These are all undeniably important elements that protect and reinforce free expression in our nation, but of all of them, I felt one was most important. The value of a Check on Governmental Power is what protects our society from overpowering voices to challenge, suppress, or discourage free expression beyond what is reasonable.

I think that while the rest of these elements matter, without our checks and balances system in place, the rest of those values could be easily rejected and ignored. If any one branch of government holds a great deal of power without oversight, those who do no value free expression could take power and take the other values away from us, no question.

From the checks and balances between governmental agencies, as well as the checks and balances on our system constituted by the people and the media, all elements of society and government are in play to keep each other honest. This is particularly important, because human nature is to act in one's own self-interest. If a government agency or its leadership finds that freedom of expression is not working in their own or its own self-interest, what's to keep that agency or leadership from deterring that action within the legal system? 

Image result for self interest human nature
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Self-interest will always exist, and often freedom of expression will come at a cost to the reputation, power, etc of someone within that standing. Therefore, the value and institution checks and balances puts in place maintains that this self-interest can be contained in its impact on our liberties. What could be more important than that, y'all? 

Origin Intel For This Post, Because I'm Too Poor To Even Entertain The IDEA of Plagiarism:

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