Monday, December 9, 2019

media consolidation!

I thought that this particular topic was really interesting among the EOTO presentations, particularly because this is an element of the mediasphere that is made blatantly obvious to us, but seems hidden all the same.

Something that really got me thinking about this was the startup of Disney Plus, the all Disney streaming service that includes properties of Marvel, National Geographic, Pixar, and all the other media properties Disney has its hand in. Simply browsing through this list really got me thinking about how insane it is that Disney could own SO many different media companies under one umbrella. It's impressive, yet kind of scary for media representation if you think about it.

Image result for disney plus
see link for source
Disney is only one of many culprits of media consolidation, realistically only a few companies control all of the media you see. This means that while each media channel within a conglomerate has its own "theme", you're really getting the story that one entity has cleared. This can be a real issue for independence and dissidence in journalism, and so the pursestrings really matter.

Image result for disney media properties
tell me this doesn't scare you! see link for source
I appreciated this presentation, and all of the other ones, because they really did a great job highlighting the individual implications of each topic in relation to freedoms we have. Great work, y'all!

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